Host, Speaker and Facilitator
Kim is a talented and captivating speaker on motivation and leadership with a keen following in Australia and New Zealand.
Kim can speak to your team, business or group on a range of motivational and leadership topics. She will work with your team so they better understand what makes them – and just as importantly – those around them – tick!
Once there is self–awareness of what makes an individual tick people are able to adjust their working styles and approach in order to get the best out of people and achieve outstanding results for the team.
Kim applies these skills when facilitating business and strategic planning sessions to ensure the objectives are met quickly, harmoniously and with every key stakeholder feeling they have been heard.
Kim’s qualifications include Dip. Aromatherapy (Hons), Dip. Remedial Therapies (Hons), Dip. Fitness Leadership, Personal Trainer, Cert. Homeobotanical Therapies, Cert. Advanced Personality Trainer, Mastr Practitoner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapist.
Kim’s signature talks
Do you find some people drive you batty? Are pedantic? Or disorganised?
Ever wondered why some rub you up the wrong way even before they have opened their mouth? Or find they are just so completely different to you?
Well, believe it or not, those same people are thinking exactly the same about YOU!
There is nothing wrong here. In fact, it is just a case of finding the right tools and road maps and understanding the needs of these different types. And when you do, the whole world has a different outlook, your relationships improve, you are less stressed at home and in the workplace and more understanding of what makes people actually tick.
World record holder, businesswoman, author and mother – Kim Morrison – brings a humorous approach to this life-changing presentation. Weaving in real-life scenarios and tools on how to ignite the inner spark, you will leave feeling empowered, wanting to lead by example and the ability to be a true change agent – for life.
There is not one person who escapes pains, obstacles or hurdles throughout their life. The question is do these moments make us or break us? The Art Of Self Love is the compass needed to tackle the challenges life has in store.
Based on her award-winning book, Kim provides a step by step guide to tackling the unknown curve balls life throws.
Kim connects her heart fully with her audience as she shares candid stories, anecdotes and real-life experiences, walking through what she has aptly named the circle of self-love.
Focusing on negative thoughts can cause you to lose perspective at times and as a result, you will find yourself standing outside the circle of self-love. This affects your work, relationships and ability to look after yourself. However, self-care is your divine responsibility and Kim helps us to recognise that it is the key to anchoring your purpose, changing your state of mind and creating a new positive way to move forward with courage, grace, strength and dignity.
Running a business can sometimes feel like you are actually running a marathon. You start with all the excitement, pizazz and belief you will win the race but at some point, it seems you get blisters, chafing and God forbid even hit the wall!
So how can you prepare for such an event? What does it take to get through those moments of pain and challenge? And how do you keep getting back up every time a wall smacks you right in the face?
World record holder and five times best-selling author Kim Morrison knows what it takes to create and run a successful business, but she also knows it is not easy, nor is it about luck, genetics or just good timing.
Through her own experiences, Kim will show you how to treat obstacles as challenges and let downs as lessons and how to have courage, grace, strength and dignity no matter what is happening in your life.
More importantly, she shares the tools she has learnt to turn her business around, keep it fit, healthy and in tip-top shape and how to do it all whilst balancing the juggle of being a multi-tasking superwoman and mum!
Many take the superwoman role to extremes, juggling business with family, children, health, fitness and social lives.
Kim shares her tips on how to sail through the struggles and challenges of being a master juggler and superwoman. She talks about self-discipline and what it takes to have drive and passion even when you may feel full to overflowing with never-ending daily demands. She knows that to make any business successful you need perseverance, tenacity and patience.
Kim shares how to combine these traits with the magic of aromatherapy, natural therapies, holistic health and functional movement to create powerful daily rituals.
Essential Oils 101
Creating daily self-care rituals for the busy womanThe Intent to Never Ever Give Up
Even in your darkest hours…The Power of Manifestation
A 10-step processKey Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Learning to love and exceed them, but you determine the howMicro Managing
How to make it work for you and your team

“Sincere, spellbinding and her message goes straight to your soul to the point it feels as if you have been hit by lightning with her gentle wisdom.”
Samille Muirhead – Radio Announcer
“Kim Morrison is engaging, hilarious, fun, connected and a little bit naughty!”
James Colquhoun – CEO & Founder, Food Matters & FMTV

Kim Morrison - Speaker’s Bio (Short)
Kim Morrison is a five-time best-selling, international award-winning author, creative director of Twenty8 Essentials, aromatherapist, health and lifestyle educator and a multi-tasking mum and wife.
She is someone who shares her passion for health, using essential oils for wellness and knows it is the small daily rituals of self-care that accumulate into the powerful art of self-love.
Kim set a world record as the youngest female to run 100 miles in less than 24 hours in 1989 under the mentorship of then 68-year-old world record holder Cliff Young, who at the time and to this day lives by his ethos that success is 90% mental and 10% physical.
Kim has used her running story as a direct metaphor for life – riding the highs, hitting the walls, pushing through the pain barriers, crossing the line and never, ever giving up!
Kim Morrison - Speaker’s Bio (Long)
There is so much more to Kim Morrison than meets the eye. Tenacity is probably the first word that comes to mind. Her journey and all she has accomplished to date have stemmed from her unwavering self-belief and her deep understanding that you must also take care of yourself first and foremost.
Kim set a world record as the youngest female to run 100 miles in less than 24 hours in 1989. Her mentor and fellow world record holder Cliff Young was her mentor at the time and to this day, he lives by his ethos that success is 90% mental and 10% physical.
Kim has used her running story as a direct metaphor for life – riding the highs, hitting the walls, pushing through the pain barriers, crossing the line and never, ever giving up!
Highly regarded as a presenter, it is Kim’s innate understanding of people and what makes them act the way they do that has her in demand as a speaker. Her workshop on personality dynamics will leave you and your team understanding what makes them (and those they work with, live with or love) tick. Her workshops have resulted in greater team and relationship dynamics, increased productivity in the workplace, and have even been accredited to saving marriages.
Kim believes it is your inner power, passion and commitment and having truckloads of self-belief that distinguishes you as an achiever. It’s about visualising your dream and going for it, regardless of the feedback you receive or the challenges you face.
As a five-time best-selling, international award-winning author, creative director of Twenty8 Essentials and a multi-tasking mum and wife, Kim shares her essential tools for self-care, discipline, leadership and teamwork and most of all how to have an attitude with sparkle.
“Kim’s personality workshops are an invaluable tool for any business or group that relies upon relationships and a better understanding of how different people think and what motivates them. Let’s face it, that’s everyone! Kim’s humour and presentation style provide for a relaxed, informal and fun way to learn more about yourself and your team.”
Andrew Wallace MP – Federal Member for Fisher
“On stage, Kim exudes love, generosity, warmth, humour, knowledge, authenticity as well as sharing the inner workings of what makes Kim….and for that everyone gets to experience a true powerful queen who loves who she is and for me, it doesn’t get any better than that.”
Pete Evans – Chef, Author, Television Presenter
“Kim brings such warmth and heart to any speaking engagement. I haven’t known someone to have such incredible stage presence that can bring an entire room to both tears and laughter in mere moments of each other. All love, all truth, and all uniquely special.”
Luke Hines – Chef, Author, Television Presenter
“Kim Morrison is one of a kind. Her raw and emotive presentations always uplift and inspire people from all walks of life and generation. Her honesty and true accounts of her life is what really draws me in. She’s funny classy strong and powerful. A true artist and inspiration.”
Wes Carr – Musician
“Most would use the word inspirational to describe Kim Morrison as I speaker, I would add authentic, fun, entertaining and a powerhouse of knowledge!”
Chris Cameron Director/Company Secretary Rockcote Enterprises Pty Ltd
“Kim Morrison not only owns the stage but she engages with her audience in a compelling and credible way that has them wanting more.”
Nikki Parkinson – CEO Styling You
“Kim Morrison is a speaker like no other. She combines her genuine love of people and passion for what she does to deliver a compelling story. One that resonates on some level with the entire audience, leaving them wanting more. There is no smoke and mirrors with Kim Morrison – what you see is what you get – a truly beautiful soul who can find the inner beauty in everyone she meets – and can help to heal even the deepest wounds. Kim is enchanting, funny and engaging and her story and messages relate to everyone. If you are after a speaker who will leave you uplifted then look no further than Kim Morrison”
Jennifer Swaine - Managing Director
“Kim Morrison is one of my favourite speakers. She speaks from the heart, is engaging and connects supremely with the audience. She manages to do all of this while brilliantly peppering through humour and her infectious cheekiness. Every presentation I have had the pleasure of seeing her perform (and there have been many!) has had the room either in stitches laughing or in heartfelt tears or both! I can thoroughly recommend her 10/10.”
Helen Padarin – Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist, Author, Speaker
“With so much humour and a genuine desire to help people discover themselves, and what makes them tick, Kim has mastered her personality profiling! Watching everyone in the room light up with ‘aha moment’ as they not only understood themselves but in turn understood each other, is so inspiring! If you want your teams to develop more productive and powerful relationships that bring synergy and collaboration, this information is an absolute must!”
Carren Smith, CEO, Quantum Leadership Group